[정규표현식] html 태그에서 stript와 style 태그 내부에 있는 것들 제거
출처 : http://okky.kr/article/111879
public class HTMLCleaner {
* @author Shrek
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
HTMLCleaner cleaner = new HTMLCleaner();
//System.out.println(cleaner.clean("<html><head><script>aaaa</script></head><body><div>aaa</div> <div> <script></script></div><img src=\"http://tong.nate.com\" values=\">\"> 이건 어떻게 될까요 <!-- zmzm --></body></html> "));
private static interface Patterns {
// javascript tags and everything in between
public static final Pattern SCRIPTS = Pattern.compile("<(no)?script[^>]*>.*?</(no)?script>", Pattern.DOTALL);
public static final Pattern STYLE = Pattern.compile("<style[^>]*>.*</style>", Pattern.DOTALL);
// HTML/XML tags
public static final Pattern TAGS = Pattern.compile("<(\"[^\"]*\"|\'[^\']*\'|[^\'\">])*>");
public static final Pattern nTAGS = Pattern.compile("<\\w+\\s+[^<]*\\s*>");
// entity references
public static final Pattern ENTITY_REFS = Pattern.compile("&[^;]+;");
// repeated whitespace
public static final Pattern WHITESPACE = Pattern.compile("\\s\\s+");
* Clean the HTML input.
public String clean(String s) {
if (s == null) {
return null;
Matcher m;
m = Patterns.SCRIPTS.matcher(s);
s = m.replaceAll("");
m = Patterns.STYLE.matcher(s);
s = m.replaceAll("");
m = Patterns.TAGS.matcher(s);
s = m.replaceAll("");
m = Patterns.ENTITY_REFS.matcher(s);
s = m.replaceAll("");
m = Patterns.WHITESPACE.matcher(s);
s = m.replaceAll(" ");
return s;